Prof. Dr. med Ulrich Loos
KreLo GmbH
Medical Diagnostics
Sedan Straße 14
89077 Ulm
University Clinic of Ulm
In retirement
Robert-Koch-Straße 8
89081 Ulm
Curriculum Vitae
1939 | Birth in Insterburg, Ostpreußen |
1945 | Refugee to Flensburg/Schleswig-Holstein |
1952 | Resetteled to Pforzheim/Baden-Württemberg |
1960 | Abitur, Kepler-Gymnasium Pforzheim |
1967 | Marriage with Li-HungWu, Toronto & Taiwan 3 children: Sabine, Beatrix and Martin |
Activities in the Youth
1952-1955 | Athletics: champion of the region Nordschwarzwald |
1955 | Rugby: German tournament champion |
1953-1956 | Chess: champion Nordschwarzwald, 1955 one win and two remis with chess great champion Wolfgang Unzicker, playing simultaneous fast K.O. games (with 24-12-4 persons)
Theatrical performance, high scoring at contests (Recommendation for acting school of Kammertheater Munich) |
Activities in the student time
1961-1967 | Cooperation in the „brother-sister“-program for integration of foreign students |
1962-1964 | Organization and preparation of the lecture „English for medical students“ executed by the English lecturer of the Heidelberg Dolmetscherinstitut |
1962 | Shake handy with Robert Kennedy |
Externships sponsored by the DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst)
1963 August- Semptember |
In Ioannina/Greece
Special medicine (Snake/Scorpionbites), obstretics (32 independent assists at birth, partially with small operations) |
1964 August- September |
Durham, UK
Paediatrics (medical care for newborns, e.g. liqor punctures), nephrology |
1965 August- September |
Toronto, Canada
Queens Way General Hospital serving a huge industrial area, besides genrel medicine responsible duties in trauma surgery every third night |
Academic Career
1960 | Studies of Medicine, University of Heidelberg |
1966 | Doctor of Medicine: „Methenolon action on lipid and cholesterol metabolism“ (supervisor: Prof., Dr.hc. mult. G. Schettler, University of Heidelberg) |
1974 | Election as active member of the American Thyroid Association (at that time closed circle to 250 americans only) |
1982 | Appointment as Privatdozent:“Thyroxine metabolism – basic and clinical studies“ (supervisor: Prof., Dr.hc. mult. E.F. Pfeiffer, University Ulm) |
1982-2000 | Advanced training courses in Thyroidology and Endocrynology
Promotion of 41 students to doctorate in molecular biology with very good ratings |
1983- 2004 | Director and organiser of 6 International Scientific Conferences and in consequence sponsored by the European Union to cary out 3 EU High Level Scientific Conferences ( in Molecular Endocrinology and Thyroidology at Reisensburg Castle, Günzburg |
1988 | Appointment as Apl. Professor of Medicine, University of Ulm |
2001 | Foundation of individual enterprise „Innovative Medicine“ |
2004 | Retirement from Clinical Engagement, Science tranfer: Promotion of KreLo GmbH Medical Diagnostics, Ulm |
Clinical Career
1971 | Director Thyroid Laboratory of the University Ulm |
1975 | Director thyroid outpatient clinic University Ulm |
1980 | Director outpatient clinic University Ulm covering all endocrine diseases Senior adviser of three hospital wards of the endocrine clinic |
Research Activities
Thyroid hormones: basic and clinical studies, T4 conversion
1970-1972 | Thyrotropin releasing factor: Kinetics and clinical application 1970-1976 Development of chemical and radioimmuno assays for T3 , rT3 and TSH |
1973 | First description of „Low T3 syndrome“: shifted T4-deiodination to rT3
giving rise to the international research, resulting in an extremely high amount of publications by others |
1972-1984 | Elucidation of factors at the biochemical level influencing thyroxine conversion in cell culture and in animal experiments as well as in clinical investigations |
Molecular biology, gene technology and gene expression
T3 regulation of gene expression
1985-1991 | Molecular biological studies on T3 regulated genes such as Spot 14 in cell lines at RNA and protein levels (“proteomics”) Links to Fig. or Lit.Cloning and characterization of T3 receptors (TR), gene regulation by T3 via T3 receptors |
1990-1999- | Detection of new mutants in TR gene in thyroid hormone resistance syndrome, Molecular and clinical characterization. First detection of “peripheral hyperthyroidism (TR gain of function point mutantations) Link Lit causing hyperthyroidism. |
Cloning and characterization of TSH receptor in Graves` disease
1993-1995 | First detection of a heritable TSH receptor polymorphism in Graves` Disease, Characterization of the hyperactive signalling Functional characterization of TSH receptor (TSH-R) autoantibodies in Graves` disease |
1997-2006 | Expression of the first extractable humanTSH-R functional to TSH and Graves autoantibodies: TSH-R fusion proteines with tags for solid phase assays with chimera for the differentiation of stimulating or blocking TSH-R Ab |
Cloning and characterization of the human Sodium/Iodide Symporter (NIS)
1998-2006 | Cloning and functional characterization of the promoter of NIS. Cloning and functional characterization of NIS Upstream Enhancer (NUE) Detection of NIS expression in breast cancer and demonstration of substances which lead to enhancement and synergistical 18 fold potentiation |
Grants for Research Projects
1975-2004 | Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft supporting basic research |
2001-2004 | EU High Level Scientific Conferences treating molecular biological events in diseases |
2003-2006 | EU Project Endomet (thyroid) concerning pollution with plasticizers and their action on the whole endocrine system |
Science Transfer Activities
1. Kooperationspreis Wissenschaft/Wirtschaft (Award of the Prize for Cooperation of Science and Commerce) 1999 der Universität Ulm
First production of recombinant human TSH receptor (rTSHR) for the detection of auto antibodies in the diagnosis of Graves` Disease and for the therapeutic application by oral tolerization of autoimmunity in Graves` Disease.
2. 2001 Foundation of the enterprise „Innovative Medicine“ in Ulm, Germany
Research, patenting and consulting are the means of this enterprise in order to set innovations in medicine which should lead to novel therapies of until now hardly treatable diseases.
Targets are autoimmune diseases such as diagnosing and treating Graves` Disease. Analytical studies of genetically engineered rTSHR. Design of rTSHR constructs for direct detecting Graves`disease causing autoantibodies. Furthermore, novel therapeutic options are given in cancer diseases by the detection of the sodium/iodide symporter (NIS, the “Iodine Pump”) being expressed in cancers, e.g. in breast cancer and others. The therapeutic techniques and strategies can here be used, which since decades are successfully applied in the treatment of thyroid cancer by diagnosing and eradicating tumors with radioactive iodide. A patent is issued on this strategy.
3. 2004 Foundation of „KreLo GmbH Medical Diagnostics“ in Ulm, Germany
The close to economical application orientated molecular biological research and development, the production and marketing of kits
The bringing in of services for the optimization of in vitro diagnostics in the field of human medicine The development of diagnostic kits for the detection of different types of autoantibodies which are specific for special autoimmune diseases.
Innovation in the diagnosis of Graves` Disease by the establishment of a novel assay for the direct measurement of stimulating disease causing auto antibodies by the novel bridging technology providing for the first time direct detection of TSH receptor autoantibodies with high specificity and sensitivity. We cooperated with SIEMENS health care to transfer our corresponding prototype to their huge automated machines which production (IMMULITE TSI) has a good reputation on the world market.